Sunday, April 27, 2008

Natural Weight Loss

When you think about it, what is the mystery about natural weight loss - if you don't eat too much and have regular physical activity you won't put on weight; most people choose to ignore this advice.

This should be an easy concept for the many overweight people around the world; although, currently over 35 percent of Americans continue to get larger, and they aren't the only ones around the world!

Why is it then that vast numbers of overweight people want to lose that weight, is it to look good again or could it be about improving their health?

The truth is it is easier to maintain your weight than it is to lose excess pounds and the heavier you become the harder the weight loss becomes.

If there is one thing we all know, it is that weight gain is likely to happen if we do not take forward-looking steps to stop it.

Studies have shown that it is more likely a person who has lost weight using a calorie controlled diet, even if they actually enjoyed it, are more likely to go back to their old eating habits at some point. It is not actually difficult controlling your weight using natural weight loss methods and reasons not to put on extra weight are many although not all revolve around health and beauty.

Most health experts contend that the significance of excess weight is more than cosmetic as it takes a huge toll on a person's physical health.

The annoying thing is this isn't rocket science, mankind hasn't always been this heavy and we certainly aren't born that way so it means we need to maintain a natural, healthy weight.

The correct approach for natural weight loss is to eat the right quantity of foodstuffs such as complex carbohydrates, plus foods high in carbohydrates, some protein and a low fat content. A meal containing this group would be something like a baked potato, vegetables and some meat, lean of course but it would not contain gravy or sour cream.

Unfortunately, dietary fat contains higher amounts of calories than ordinary food which when consumed will just be converted to body fat more readily. Another problem is the obsession with fat free or low fat foods that food manufactures are stacking the shelves with which despite their popularity are not stopping the problem of obesity.

Whilst completely false, the perception is that you can basically eat exactly what you want provided it is fat-free but there are still calories in the food which can easily be converted to body fat.

Weight control methods ensure you avoid the fat-free products but suggest you eat healthy and nutritious snacks if you are hungry.

Some health care specialists believe that a good method is to eat smaller meals and healthy, nutritious snacks every 3 or 4 hours. This is a subject that will continue to be debated for some time but natural weight loss is possible and should not be looked upon as a lost cause.

If I could take you by the hand and teach you How to lose weight using only your everyday foods would you be interested?? if so visit Get Fit After Kids, this book will teach anyone with a weight problem how to lose weight permanently.

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